Let's kick it up a notch with WEEN. In 1984 (the same year Stein was put on this planet) two boys named Aaron and MIckey met in 8th grade typing class (on typewriters!) and changed music forever. If you haven't heard of Ween before there is a reason - they defy any category music folks can put them in. This makes it difficult for DJ's and record executives and your parents to decide where/when/if to play their music. But even if you haven't heard OF them, you have heard them.
They were big on MTV with "Push th' Little Daisies" as an alt-rock band, but none of you remember that (neither do I, to be honest). Later on "Voodoo Lady" was a popular hit for a few weeks. Then they released "12 Golden Country Greats" which was a country album backed by great Nashville session players (there are 10 songs on the album cause Ween can't be controlled by math). The lyrics are not what you may imagine to fit in a country song, but they are great. Then came "The Mollusk" - described on wikipedia as "a multi-genre concept album with a dark nautical theme." Sure, I guess that sums it up. BUT, most importantly - have you heard of Sponge Bob Square Pants? They did the "how to tie your shoes song." Legendary. Told you you've heard Ween.
I like to think of Ween as "The Beatles at the turn of the century" except with more cursing and sometimes louder and mostly less popular. Boy do they have a passionate following though - if you know someone who listens to Ween, they LOVE Ween. My friend Matt introduced me to the band way back in 2005, and I caught the bug as well. Then back in 2007 Matt was longboarding, downhill, while being pulled by a go-cart, in the desert, without a helmet on. Also it was St. Patrick's day, so take that into account. He fell off the longboard and broke several bones, took on severe brain damage, and by the time I made it to the desert to see him he was in a full-body cast, in a comma, on life support.
Matt got better though (he is now married and has 2 amazing children along with an amazing wife), and to make a long story longer, he saw the Boognish while in the coma. The Boognish is a character Mickey and Aaron created in the 8th grade. Matt wrote a play about that experience (in which I played Mitch Hedberg), and a letter to Ween - which they proudly posted on their website. I wish I had access to that letter, it was pretty great. Moral of the story: listen to Ween.
Here is a sampling of Ween for you:
Ocean Man - One of the more popular Ween songs.
I'm Holding You - One of my favorites off of 12 Golden Country Greats
Help Me Scrape the Mucus off My Brain - also off 12 Golden Country Greats, more up-beat
I Don't Wanna Leave you on the Farm - 12 Golden Country Greats again, can you tell I did this album?
Captain Fantasy - This song rocks so hard - this is the live version of their At The Cat's Cradle: 1992 album. This was before they had a backing band, so they had to play their beats off tape. Old school shit.
Pork Roll Egg & Cheese" - Have you heard of Pork Roll? They usually just sell it in the north east, but I found some at the HEB once! In California my friend Dan had to have it shipped in dry ice. So good. With cheese. On a kaiser bun. at 7AM with a Coors light. Best Thanksgiving ever. Thanks Dan.
The Grobe Live in Chicago - Epic. Jam.
There are so many more, if you like a type of music then you like Ween.
rock and roll